Horrific interruptions due to major natural disasters or even vandalism could wreak havoc on your business continuity. Loss of income, data availability issues and staff disruption are serious issues that could prove lethal to your business. “Recovery” is more than just getting your servers, workstations, and IT infrastructure up and running. It’s about continuing business. Where will your employees go to work, meet and make the daily decisions that set your company apart from the competition? For more information on our unique BCCS disaster recovery offering, contact us today on 206-415-2500 or customercare@nuoz.com
Through the unique Business Continuity Center of Seattle (BCCS), a member of the NuOz family of companies, we can help you be prepared for possible disasters. BCCS offers an “assurance” facility to help see to it that your critical technology can be up and running within hours after a serious disruption. We provide meeting space, telephones, office supplies, faxes, printers, servers, and workstations so that “business as usual” is a reality in hours instead of days or weeks. Contact us today 206-415-2500 customercare@nuoz.com